I need to rant a little bit here! Sam was telling me when she goes rock hunting, she has always picked up litter. She would gather it up and stuff it in her pocket, or in a little purse she carries. Recently, she has had to carry a big bag because there is SO much litter! All these people are coming here to see the beauty of Montana. They are moving here in droves because they love Montana. Well, CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES! Good grief. I have never understood leaving garbage at campsites, for example. The trash weighs less—you ate or drank whatever the container had in it before it became garbage. Pack it in—pack it out!
I was talking with a person who had recently moved here from the East Coast. He said back east they would just through stuff out the car window. Littering was normal. (I thought, Really?!?! WTF?!?!?) Since moving out here he said he has learned not to litter. It was so clean out here, he figured out littering was not a thing out here.

I did some consulting work for a rancher in Paradise valley. The road to a popular campground goes through his land. He showed me pictures of raw sewage people had dumped from their camper as they left the camp ground. I could not believe it! You come to this beautiful place and you spread your shit (literally spreading shit!) all over? What are you thinking. Have you no respect for the land, the beauty, other people, other animals, or even yourself? Find a proper disposal sight for your camper’s sewage. (I know one disposal site is at TJ’s gas station in Livingston. Now you have no excuse!)
Montana is a very beautiful, special place. If you come to visit, or if you move here, please help keep Montana beautiful and do not litter. Thank you.